Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can I walk the talk?

The last few lines of yesterday’s post:

Where is the junction of spiritual and political power?
Can the two ever exist in the same space?
According to whom?

It can only be in that hallowed moment
When I love and respect you,
You who make me most uncomfortable,
Without demeaning myself.

How can I practice what I preach?  How do I walk the talk?

There are millions of Americans who hold political and religious views that I find repellent.  My tendency is to mentally label them as IGNORANT, as in Stupid Ignoramus, at worst, or as merely ignorant, as in not as well educated as I, at best...two levels of arrogant condescension.  And yet, I suspect that real power lies in finding common ground and mutual respect wherever it can be found

So, today I am inviting you to join me in a spiritual practice.  I really want you to try this with me and share your observations.

Politically and philosophically, I lean to the left.  I am uncomfortable with and often judgmental of folks who lean strongly to the right.  So for me, this exercise is to sincerely, publicly acknowledge what I admire and respect about right-leaners.  Here goes:

1.  I respect their deep concern about government intrusion into individual lives.  I appreciate their fear of a “nanny state,” and the loss of individual initiative and self-reliance.

2.  Though I am an adherent of a woman’s right to choose, I am sympathetic to those who believe abortion is a very serious issue and should not be taken lightly or abused.

3.  I fully understand the belief that the Bible is the literal Word of God to be obeyed unerringly, and the concurrent belief that Christianity is the one true religion.  People who hold that belief will, if they have any integrity at all, make every attempt to convince their neighbors and fellow citizens of the error of their ways and warn them of the perceived consequences.  I admire people who follow their conscience.

While typing these three statements I was very aware of the desire to add qualifiers, disclaimers and rebuttals, but that defeats the purpose.  

Can you think of at least three examples of traits or qualities you genuinely admire or respect in people with whom you strongly disagree?
Could you say so in their presence?

Here is a chance to practice.  Share your ideas in the comment section.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm still here...

I haven't posted in a while because I've been stumped.  In no particular order, these factors have contributed to my befuddlement:

1.  Moving from the city to the country.
2.  Experiencing a shift in my definition of Love.
3.  Attending a mainstream Christian church, once again.
4.  Attending a gathering of Lamar County Democrats.
5.  Following the John Edwards trial.
6.  Watching Bill Moyers and Company.
7.  Being graciously welcomed to this new life by stranger after stranger.
8.  Following the "debate" over same-sex marriage.
9.  Seeing the "issue" of contraception re-surface.
10. Pondering the difference between spiritual power and political power, questioning if one can pursue both.

Today, however, a friend emailed and gently chastised me for not posting my thoughts on my blog.  Still not knowing what to write, or think, I did the tried and true...closed my eyes at the computer and let the words come to me.  Here you go...

Once I believed Life could be improved upon.
Once I believed that I knew right from wrong.
That morality was achievable,
And that I knew it when I saw it.

Today, Life is too nuanced for me to grasp.
Stunned at the degree to which right and wrong overlap,
I secretly cringe as I acknowledge to myself
How naively I have confused
Morality with self-righteousness.

Is it possible to lovingly strategize?
Devise a winning game plan?
Map out the path to victory?
Is it helpful, ever, to triumph over one’s “enemies?”

Where is the junction of spiritual and political power?
Can the two ever exist in the same space?
According to whom?

It can only be in that hallowed moment
When I love and respect you,
You who make me most uncomfortable,
Without demeaning myself.