Saturday, November 23, 2013

Leaving church...again

Dear First Christian family

We are withdrawing our membership from FCC but do not want to just "drop out" without saying goodbye and expressing our sincere gratitude for all the love and kindness that has been extended to us the past two years.  December 15 will be the last worship service we attend.

Just over a year ago Robyn wrote the following in her blog:

We stumbled into this little old church in Paris and soon discovered that they are attempting a grand experiment--welcoming anyone and everyone. Based on the half-empty sanctuary on any given Sunday, this experiment has not yet “caught on,” which is unfortunate but perhaps understandable.  There are Democrats and Republicans sitting on the same pew; open and proud heterosexuals sharing a hymnbook with open and proud homosexuals; Bible devotees in conversation with people who distrust the Bible, believers in the virgin birth sharing pot-luck suppers with folks who dismissed that notion years ago.  It’s a strange group!

Every Sunday, Pastor Charlotte spreads her arms across the communion table and says, “This table is open to all.  It is Christ who invites us,” and acts like she means it.  

We still remember how excited we were to find this little church in ParisTX!  We are dumbfounded, however, to learn that “all” at FCC no longer includes Pastor Charlotte.  We are heartbroken.

We wish you all well, dear friends, and hope to see you around town.  We can often be spotted at Nancy’s…

John and Robyn

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