Monday, November 12, 2012

Before I learned to meditate...

Our Sunday School class is reviewing a DVD of a dialogue between Ken Wilbur and Thomas Keating, which is sparking lots of memories for me.  I learned to meditate more than 20 years ago and soon after was privileged to view many instructional DVD’s of Father Keating teaching his method of contemplation, Centering Prayer.  A few years later I completed the initial training to be certified to teach Centering Prayer.  Quite simply, it changed my life.

Before I learned to meditate I had little or no experience of the meaning of the word, “serenity.”

Before I learned to meditate I believed myself to be undisciplined and impulsive.

Before I learned to meditate I was afraid of my own mind.

Before I learned to meditate “time stopping” was foreign to me.

Before I learned to pray in silence “the indwelling Holy Spirit” was merely theoretical.

Before I learned to pray in silence I had little access to my own Voice of Loving Kindness.

Before I learned to pray in silence I did not know it possible to rest in God.

Before I learned to pray in silence I would seek but rarely find.

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