Friday, September 3, 2010


Four weeks ago I quit,
Put on the brakes to reconsider priorities,
Came to a grinding halt, walked away
Four weeks ago today.
Today I folded laundry that had been in the basket less than a week,
Took smoked turkey sausage out of the freezer for supper,
No telling how long it had been in there.

I can still vividly remember the feeling I had each morning
As I climbed the stairs to Roscoe preparing to take it on another day.
When did it morph from challenge to dread?
I vividly remember the day I knew it had all come to an end,
Prematurely I thought, but now I know better.

Grateful to have been there; grateful to be released.
Grateful for trustworthy internal nudges that prompt us to the next chapter.
Grateful for the Roscoe family that nurtured me, challenged me, trusted me.
Grateful for John who supports me, as well as my mother, sisters and children.
Grateful for the grace to sit in "I don't know" without panic.
I am so grateful to be home.


  1. It takes courage to face the reality of our situation and condition. It takes courage to hold that awareness until the moment of knowing. It takes courage to STEP OUT into the unknown, even if that is into a familiar space, a "Home Page" where support and space are offered.
    We are encouraged by those who clear the path and invite us to step in alongside and step up to our own challenges. I am grateful too.

  2. I somehow missed, until Thursday night, that you had a blog, and I am thrilled to discover it. I have subscribed, so I won't miss your new entries. I love connecting/listening to you in this way. It is a pleasure for me to get to experience you in more than one place.

    I really resonated with what it is like to be at home alone in one's own home and begin to experience and rediscover that place and space.

  3. Thank you Sadani and Shirley for dropping in to visit my blog and for your words of encouragement. Both of you are fellow pilgrims, and I value your feedback.

  4. In some ways, returning to work because it is at home, allowed me to get off the what had become frantic self exploration-like painting, writing and the professional volunteer role. When I take a break, I wander through my garden, throw dinner in the crockpot, go downstairs and help my mother with whatever she needs. i am tethered but in a place I love, my home.

  5. Susan I hope to find work that allows more balance in my life as well. Congatulations! And thanks for your comments.

  6. It's very hard to find that balance-this contract job will end soon then I will have to decide to stay on or not. Partime seems to slip very easily into full time with this company-for the short run I am willing.


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